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Int 7A  - Novell Netware - Ipx Driver - Send Packet                        [N]

   BX = 0003h
   ES:SI -> Event Control Block (see below)

Notes: returns immediately; IPX attempts to send the packet in the background
   this function is supported by Advanced NetWare 1.02+
   this function is nearly identical to BX=000Fh, except that it always
     copies the source address into the IPX header assumed to be at the
     beginning of the first fragment

See Also: BX=0004h,BX=000Fh,INT 21/AH=EEh"Novell"

Format of Event Control Block:
Offset Size    Description
 00h   DWORD   Link
 04h   DWORD   -> Event Service Routine (00000000h if none)
 08h   BYTE    in use flag (see below)
 09h   BYTE    completion code (see below)
 0Ah   WORD    (big-endian) socket number (see INT 7A/BX=0000h)
 0Ch  4 BYTEs  IPX workspace
 10h 12 BYTEs  driver workspace
 1Ch  6 BYTEs  immediate local node address
 22h   WORD    fragment count
 24h   var fragment descriptors
       Offset  Size    Description
        00h    DWORD   -> fragment data
        04h    WORD    size of fragment in bytes.

Notes: ESR is a far procedure that is called when the ECB has been handled.
     On call, the in use flag is zero if the ECB has been handled,
     non-zero otherwise. If the flag is zero, the completion code holds
     the result of the event.
   the first fragment should start with an IPX header
   all fragments are concatenated and sent in one piece
   node address FFh FFh FFh FFh FFh FFh broadcasts to all nodes

Format of AES-ECB:
Offset Size    Description
 00h   DWORD   Link
 04h   DWORD   ESR address
 08h   BYTE    in use flag (see below)
 09h  5 BYTEs  AES workspace

Values for ECB in use flag:
 00h   available
 E0h   AES temporary
 F6h   \ special IPX/SPX processing for v3.02+
 F7h   /
 F8h   IPX in critical section
 F9h   SPX listening
 FAh   processing
 FBh   holding
 FCh   AES waiting
 FDh   AES couting down delay time
 FEh   awaiting packet reception
 FFh   sending packet

Values for ECB completion code:
 00h   success
 ECh   remote terminated connection without acknowledging packet
 EDh   abnormal connection termination
 EEh   invalid connection ID
 EFh   SPX connection table full
 F9h   event should not be cancelled
 FAh   cannot establish connection with specified destination
 FCh   cancelled
 FDh   malformed packet
 FEh   packet undeliverable
 FFh   physical error

Event Service Routine called with:
   AL = caller's identity (00h = AES, FFh = IPX)
   ES:SI -> event control block
   interrupts disabled

Format of IPX header:
Offset Size    Description
 00h   WORD    (big-endian) checksum
 02h   WORD    (big-endian) length in bytes of total packet
 04h   BYTE    transport control
 05h   BYTE    packet type (see below)
 06h 10 BYTEs  destination internetwork address
 10h   WORD    (big-endian) destination socket
 12h 10 BYTEs  source internetwork address
 1Ch   WORD    (big-endian) source socket

Values for IPX packet type:
 00h   unknown packet type
 01h   routing information packet
 02h   echo packet
 03h   error packet
 04h   packet exchange packet (always use this one)
 05h   SPX packet
 11h   NetWare Core Protocol
 14h   Propagated Packet (for NetWare), NetBIOS name packet
 15h-1Eh experimental protocols

Format of Service Advertising Protocol Service Query Packet:
Offset Size    Description
 00h 30 BYTEs  IPX header
 1Eh   WORD    (big-endian) query type
       0001h general find service
       0003h find nearest server
 20h   WORD    (big-endian) server type (see INT 21/AH=E3h"NetWare")

Format of Service Advertising Protocol Server Identification Packet:
Offset Size    Description
 00h 30 BYTEs  IPX header
 1Eh   WORD    (big-endian) response type
       0002h general service
       0004h nearest service
 20h 64N BYTEs server entries (1-7) (see below)

Format of SAP server entry:
Offset Size    Description
 00h   WORD    (big-endian) server type (see INT 21/AH=E3h"NetWare")
 02h 48 BYTEs  ASCIZ server name
 32h  2 WORDs  (big-endian) network number
 34h  3 WORDs  (big-endian) node number
 3Ch   WORD    (big-endian) socket number
 3Eh   WORD    (big-endian) number of hops between caller and server

Format of Routing Information packet:
Offset Size    Description
 00h 30 BYTEs  IPX header
 1Eh   WORD    operation (0001h request, 0002h response)
 20h 8N BYTEs  network entries (1-50) (see below)

Format of RIP network entry:
Offset Size    Description
 00h   DWORD   network number (FFFFFFFFh = general request)
 04h   WORD    (response) number of hops
 06h   WORD    (response) number of clock ticks to reach destination

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